Northwest Wildlife News

There have been some interesting incidents going on concerning our wild friends recently in the Northwest, and not all good news, either: Wildlife Samaritans Rescue a Moose Mountain Lion Attacks Huge Elk Herd Falls Through Ice With Fatal Results Illegal “Hunters” Kill 20 Geese < > […]

Aquarium of Boise

The other day I read and posted an article about the problems the Aquarium of Boise was having with its roof. Despite several visits to Boise I had never heard of the aquarium before. Last week during a snowy afternoon I decided to fix this oversight and I was very pleasantly surprised. Below is my […]

Pacific Fisher Comeback

Read this very good news story here: Pacific Fisher Comeback in Washington State


Here’s a little guy I photographed at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. Not the same fisher species in the story but fairly hard to tell apart. Hard to tell apart from a mink at first glance, too. But minks are […]

Boise Aquarium Roof May be a Big Problem

According to this story the Boise Aquarium could be facing an eviction notice over an inadequate roof: Boise Aquarium Roof Damage

Here’s the link to the aquarium. I have never visited there but I’ll try to pay a visit soon and report back. Seems like an exceptionally interesting facility. I hope this turns out alright […]