If you get a chance to travel to HI during the winter season, especially during February, here are some to the animals you are most likely and lucky to see. My wife and I went to Maui to visit my family in February. Thanks to my brother’s boat and my brother in law’s rental car we were able to do a lot of touring around Maui. And thanks to that I was able to see and photograph quite a few animals. I expected to see whales, lizards, and sea turtles, and I did. If you have the chance to sail around the ocean near Maui expect to see several species of whales. The most common are the humpbacks, but there are others – false killer whales and pilot whales. Do some snorkeling or beach walking and you will see green sea turtles and hear the whales. Look at trees, branches, and building walls and you will see a couple of lizard species. It’s wonderful!
But I was really surprised by two species – chickens and mongooses. Both are now very common throughout HI, and both have originated there the same way. Where did all of these chickens come from? According to the research I did, they originated in HI back in the 1700s. By some time in the 1800s, a lot of farms went out of business and the birds were let loose. From then on their numbers exploded. That is now the most common bird species you will see and hear in HI, and even in the whole world. Mongoose began like that when introduced to sugar farms in order to get rid of rats. Like the chickens their population exploded. Mongooses tend to stay in wild areas, but the chickens are happy with wild areas and human occupied properties.
Here are few amazing elk views you will see at this event. Over a thousand will show up, but many will first clime up the huge hills and then descend as their food is passed out. And you can take a tour given to you by Oak Creek and get very close to them as they wait for their lunch. Unlike the elk you run into in the wild the elk here do not seem to be frightened by any human activity. And when their food has been spread out you will be amazed at the number of these animals that show up. Oak Creek Wildlife has been doing this for many years and the elk families know when to show up. The species here is the more common one called the Rocky Mountain Elk. The main features of this species are its pale body with dark heads, necks, and legs. Mail elks have the obvious feature at this time of year – big antlers. By the end of March, however, those antlers will have disappeared. The other elk specie we have here in the NW is the Roosevelt elk. These are a bit larger, orange brown in their entire body and are found further to the west.
On Sunday, 19 January, my wife and I drove to the Oak Creek Wildlife Area hoping to see the elk feeding event again. We had seen this before but this time was even more exciting. Why? Because getting there before the food is laid out gives you a chance to observe elk herds coming down from the mountains and take a tour to view the elks as they wait to eat. The voluntary personnel at Oak Creek Wildlife back up a large vehicle for visitors and then take you out. With you in the vehicle is a elk expert who gives a very good briefing on these large deer species. To take this nice drive all you have to do is register at the office first and get your ticket. There is no charge for the ticket but a donation is a good thing to do. Seeing this is a wonderful event for children and adults. It sometime starts in December but January and February are the more usual months. Feeding begins 1:30 p.m. This is located in the just outside of Naches in the Yakima county. If you are up north here take RT 12 east, and as you finally get close to Naches look to your left for the Oak Creek Wildlife Area sign and pull in. The Oak Creek Wildlife Area has done a lot to preserve the elks and I strongly recommend visiting there and donating what you can. And it will be a great experience for you and your children. And considering our unusual cold but dry weather now, next weekend will be a good time to visit Oak Creek Wildlife Area and see this amazing sight.
Merry Christmas everyone! I love this wonderful day. And I love sharing animal photos, especially those who love and pray for Christmas like we do. I also ran into a deer couple loving each other just like us humans do in this beautiful holiday season. So here they are. I hope you enjoy this entertainment to the blessed day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
I ran into this big wild turkey in Idaho. He was arguing with another male wild turkey. On the side of a street in WA I found this turkey vulture enjoying the meal of a dead opossum.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Thanksgiving is a holiday I greatly enjoy. My birthday is always close to this and sometimes even on it, and I always have a couple of days off thanks to Thanksgiving. And for the holiday this year I want to share with you pictures of the turkeys in our area. Some days if you are lucky you will run into a Wild Turkey. Up to 4 feet long and up to 24 pounds. The females are smaller but both of these large birds can fly. And despite that large size they tend to spend nights resting in trees. A turkey here in the Northwest you are much more likely to see is the Turkey Vulture. Their red head makes them a bit similar to wild turkeys. They are smaller but are also big birds getting up top 3 feat in length with a 6 foot wingspan. And of course the easiest way to recognize the Turkey Vulture is seeing it eating what it loves for dinner, as you see in the photo above.
In the first photo you see what the Koi pond in our backyard looks like. The water hose is running and it has cleared thing up. Also notice the big plants in middle of the pond. These help to protect the fish and give them something to nibble on occasionally. You can see the long waterfall that helps water oxygen, and notice the white spots that quickly disappear after we turn on the water hose. The close up picture of the Koi only show about half of the fish in that pond.
We’ve had quite a few Koi fish for 18 years now and they have remained very healthy. The pond we built for them is at least 4 feet deep, around 10 by 14 feet in length, and constantly flowed into by a large waterfall. Each Koi we purchased was only about an inch or two in length. And now many of them are nearly 24 inches long and weigh over 10 pounds. Why was this so good for these fish? Well, here is what I have observed:
Pond depth: Thanks to the depth of the pond all of our Koi could escape attacks by raccoons or some other predator. Yes, there have been attacks by raccoons, but so far we have only lost one fish after many years.
Water oxygen: The size of the pond and strength of the waterfall we built is very good at ensuring sufficient water oxygen for the fish. And it also keeps the pond from freezing in winter.
Food: We feed our Koi once per day but there are other sources for their food. Koi are bottom feeders, but also eat plants, worms, and other small creatures that they can catch. Since our pond is outside in a large backyard all year in the temperate WA weather, these other forms of diet for them come up a lot. We do not feed them when temperatures get below 40 degrees. At that point they are not at all active.
We have had a couple of challenges to raising these fish, however. The main problem is water purification for a pond so large. We do not have a standard water filter for it, but I have found a way to get around that. I put filter material in at the top of the waterfall and clean those out weekly. We also drain some of the pond water and refill it with fresh water. Thankfully we do not get our water from the city. Out here in a rural area we have a water well so we do not have to worry about any kind of harmful chemicals like chlorine or the PH level. And all of this water is extremely filtered in our home before it goes out. We usually turn on the hose an let it run all day and all night. This fixes another issue we have with our Koi pond – the white spots often seen when the water hose has not been running for several hours. One of reported causes of this are organic wastes. But whatever the cause is, very soon after we start running the water hose in the pond, those white wastes go away.
How long do you think you Koi fish will live? Most reports have them up to 50 years, but some even much longer than that, even over 100 years!
The Essential Checklist for Opening Your Own Veterinary Clinic
by Rebecca Moore
Opening a veterinary clinic combines a passion for animal welfare with the intricacies of entrepreneurship. This guide outlines key considerations and strategic steps necessary to launch and sustain a thriving veterinary practice. Focusing on everything from location selection to regulatory compliance, it prepares aspiring clinic owners to craft a business that excels in both animal care and operational success.
Strategic Site Selection
When choosing the location for your veterinary clinic, prioritize accessibility and visibility. An ideal location is easily reachable for your target clientele and has high visibility to attract passing traffic. Consider the demographics of the area to ensure alignment with pet ownership trends and client accessibility needs. Additionally, factor in the competition and the proximity of similar services to optimize your location choice.
Crafting Your Business Plan
Developing a detailed plan is crucial. This should encompass the range of services you intend to offer, your pricing strategy, and day-to-day operational procedures. Outline clear goals and benchmarks that will help steer your clinic toward financial health and service excellence, ensuring a smooth operational flow from the outset. Regularly revisiting and adjusting your business plan based on market dynamics and clinic performance is equally important.
Enhancing Your Business Acumen with an MBA
To effectively manage a veterinary clinic, it’s vital to bolster your managerial competencies. Looking into an online MBA program offers a direct route to refine your grasp of essential business disciplines. This course of study will immerse you in the intricacies of strategy and organizational management while also enhancing your capabilities in leadership and personal evaluation. These skills are indispensable for adeptly steering your clinic through the complexities of the veterinary industry.
Designing an Efficient Clinic
The layout and design of your clinic should serve dual purposes: optimizing the quality of animal care and operational efficiency. Ensure that the design accommodates all necessary medical equipment and provides a comfortable environment for both pets and pet owners. This strategic design will facilitate smoother operationsand enhance overall client satisfaction. Effective design also minimizes stress for both animals and staff, creating a more harmonious workplace.
Building a Competent Team
Hiring qualified and experienced veterinary professionals and support staff is essential. Each team member should not only possess the necessary qualifications but also align with the clinic’s mission and values. A skilled and dedicated team is pivotal in establishing a reputable and trustworthy practice. Continual training and development ensure that your staff remains at the forefront of veterinary best practices.
Regulatory Adherence
Navigating the complexities of veterinary practice and business regulations is non-negotiable. Ensure your clinic complies with all local, state, and federal regulations to avoid legal pitfalls. This compliance covers everything from facility licensing to proper waste disposal, ensuring safe and ethical operations. Staying up-to-date on these regulations will keep your practice in line with current laws and industry standards.
Conducting Market Research
Before opening your doors, conduct thorough market research to gauge the demand for veterinary services in your chosen location. This research should analyze competitor offerings, potential client demographics, and market gaps. Understanding these elements will allow you to position your clinic to meet specific community needs effectively. Staying attuned to market trends and customer feedback will guide the ongoing development of your services.
Marketing Strategies for Success
Developing a robust marketing strategy is key to attracting and retaining clients. Utilize a mix of traditional and digital marketing tools to reach your audience effectively. Tailor your messaging to highlight the unique aspects of your clinic, such as specialized services or cutting-edge technology, to differentiate yourself from competitors. Engaging with the community through events and partnerships can also enhance your visibility and reputation.
Opening a veterinary clinic is both challenging and rewarding, requiring a blend of professional acumen and personal commitment. This endeavor not only promises a fulfilling career but also offers a valuable service to the community. As you move forward, remember that the success of your clinic hinges on continuous learning, adaptability, and an unwavering dedication to animal care. By embracing these principles, you are well on your way to creating a lasting impact in the field of veterinary medicine.
Discover the incredible wildlife of the Northwest United States with Northwest Wildlife Online! Join our community today to learn about local species and engage in conservation efforts that make a difference.
This first picture has a lot of tadpoles in it, but there are many more in this stream where they were born. And here are a few frogs almost fully grown. No, they are not tailed frogs. They are young pacific tree frogs that will soon loose these tails. And here are the salamander larvae I found in a small pond on my property. Considering the species I usually see around here I believe they are long toed salamanders. There are photos of that species on this site. Use the search tool if you wish to see them as adults.
Right now if you spend some time walking around ponds, lakes, and streams, take some time to look closely and you will find baby frogs and baby salamanders. Yes, there are some species that do things very differently, but not here. Frogs and salamanders of the NW all lay their eggs in water using ponds and streams. Salamanders prefer more slower moving streams and calm water such as a small still pond. Although it is often hard to identify the frog or salamander species you see, it is usually easy to tell if it is a frog or a salamander larvae. They both have long tails but you are seeing a salamander if it has gills spreading out on both sides of its neck. Yes, tadpoles have gills too, but only when they are very young and then just 2 gills on each side of their head which are soon covered up by their skin. Â Salamanders have 3 gills on each side and these last longer than those on the tadpoles. Of course, the older they get the easier it is to identify them. But how long does it take for them to grow up? This can take up to 90 days depending on the species but some can grow up in 60 days. Therefore they are using the bulk of the summer season for growing up. Sometimes it is very amazing how many of these creatures you will find. I usually find just a few salamander larvae in the ponds on my property or else ware, but there is a place here in WA were I see the hundreds of tadpoles pictured above. What do they eat? Most tadpoles eat algae, while the salamander lava go after small creatures. But at some point the tadpoles will go after small creatures, too. And what are these amphibian babies called? As most of us know baby frogs are called tadpoles or pollywogs. Salamanders, however, do not have such well known nick names. They are called efts, nymphs, or larva.
Tips for Integrating Your Pet Into Your Digital Nomad Journey
by Rebecca Moore
Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle with your furry companion offers a unique blend of freedom and companionship. Navigating this path requires careful planning and consideration to ensure both you and your pet thrive. This guide from Northwest Wildlife Online delves into tool mastery, income stability, and pet-friendly logistics, all aimed at smoothing your journey into this adventurous lifestyle.
 Essential Digital Tools Mastery
In the realm of remote work, having reliable digital tools is paramount. Secure a reliable internet connection and a laptop capable of handling your professional needs. Familiarize yourself with software that facilitates your work efficiency. These essentials not only ensure your productivity but also help in managing your pet’s needs, from scheduling vet appointments to ordering supplies on the go. Adequate tech support and mobile apps streamline both work and pet care, making life on the road smoother.
Essential Digital Tools Mastery
Going back to school to enhance your career prospects is a strategic move that pays off, especially in fields like cybersecurity where you learn crucial skills in protecting a business’s computers and network systems. By going after a cybersecurity degree, you make it easier to balance learning with your current job, ensuring you can apply new knowledge directly to real-world challenges. For those looking to make such a pivotal career advancement, it’s an investment that can lead to significant rewards.
 Securing Financial Stability
Financial stability is the backbone of the digital nomad lifestyle. Diversify your income through freelancing, remote employment, or running an online business. This financial foundation allows for a stress-free journey, ensuring you can cater to both your needs and your pet’s, from unexpected vet bills to daily care expenses. A steady income also affords the flexibility to choose destinations that best suit both you and your pet’s needs, enabling a more enjoyable and fulfilling lifestyle.
 Finding Pet-Friendly Living Spaces
Research and secure accommodations that welcome pets. This search includes pet-friendly hotels, rentals, and coworking spaces. Ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for your pet is crucial, as it affects their well-being and your peace of mind while working remotely. Access to pet-friendly amenities, like parks and walking trails, can greatly enhance your pet’s quality of life during your travels.
 Stress Management for You and Your Pet
Minimize travel and work-related stress to prevent pet anxiety. Regular routines, mindfulness practices, and engaging in activities that both you and your pet enjoy, can help maintain a serene atmosphere. A stress-free environment is essential for your productivity and your pet’s happiness. Adequate stress management techniques ensure a balanced lifestyle for both you and your furry companion, making transitions between destinations seamless.
Stress Management for You and Your Pet
Minimize travel and work-related stress to prevent pet anxiety. Regular routines, mindfulness practices, and engaging in activities that both you and your pet enjoy, can help maintain a serene atmosphere. A stress-free environment is essential for your productivity and your pet’s happiness. Adequate stress management techniques ensure a balanced lifestyle for both you and your furry companion, making transitions between destinations seamless.
 Navigating Pet Travel and Legalities
 Understanding the legal landscapeof pet travel is essential. Familiarize yourself with the vaccination requirements, microchipping, quarantine rules, and pet import/export regulations of your destinations. This knowledge ensures a smooth travel experience, avoiding legal hurdles and keeping your pet safe. Staying informed about these legal aspects helps in planning and executing a hassle-free journey with your pet.
 Veterinary Care and Emergency Preparedness
Researching local veterinary services and emergency care options in your destination is crucial. Consider pet insuranceto cover unexpected medical expenses. Being prepared and informed about veterinary care options ensures your pet’s health and well-being while abroad. Establishing a relationship with a trusted vet in each new location provides peace of mind and continuity of care for your pet.
Keeping Up with Pet Health Standards
Maintain your pet’s vaccination schedule and ensure they are microchipped. These preventative measures are not only health essentials but also mandatory for international travel. Staying up-to-date with these requirements is key to a hassle-free nomadic experience with your pet. Regular health check-ups and adherence to vaccination protocols safeguard your pet’s health, facilitating international travel and reducing the risk of disease.
Embarking on a journey as a digital nomad with your pet is an enriching experience that requires meticulous planning and preparation. By mastering essential tools, securing financial stability, and ensuring your pet’s comfort and safety, you can enjoy the freedom and joy of this lifestyle. With the right approach, this adventure can be rewarding and fulfilling for both you and your beloved companion.
Here are my 3 Oscar fish. The largest one is the Albino but it gets along pretty well with the Tiger Oscar. The Albino and Tiger Oscars, however kept attacking the Albino Red Oscar, so that one stays alone in it’s own aquarium. Oscars also have relatively large eyes and they often look like thy are staring at you.
I have a big dog (a Great Pyrenees) but I also have some big fish pets, too. Oscars can be found in the wild in Florida or other tropical habitats, but they are found many times much easier at pet shops. They are interesting colorful additions to an aquarium but there are some things you should know before getting one of these large species. Depending on the species type they can get up to 18 inches long and way up to 4 pounds. So ensure you have at least a 50 gallon aquarium to begin with, and a water heater strong enough to keep the temperature at 74-80 degrees. Of course Oscars eat smaller fish, but they will also attack other Oscars. But if you purchase a pair of Oscars or even more when they are still very small, they will usually get along very well. I have done some research and much to my surprise I found that they will eat grasshoppers, crickets, and mealworms, too. But the food I find easy to purchase at a pet shop and feed to them is Tetra Cichlid. A lot of research about this fish can be found online, but here a few other things that I have learned about Oscars after keeping them for a while: Make sure your aquarium has a secure top. I have had an Oscar jump out of its tank more than once. Over and over the Oscars I have raised knock over the decorations I have put in the aquarium, and move the gravel at the bottom to a surprising degree. When you first begin to clean the aquarium the Oscars are outraged, but they soon learn there is nothing to worry about and accept what you do. They also tend to crunch down on their food and this results in many tiny particles that end up in the gravel. Despite their size, Oscars do not eat gobs of food like goldfish do. You can tell when you have fed too much because a lot of it just floats around in the aquarium. I clean the aquariums once every 2 weeks and always surprises me how much I have to clean from the gravel. To keep thing very clean I also maintain 2 kinds of filters for each tank – a big one that sits under the aquarium and the other type that hangs on the side of the aquarium. This also ensures plenty of air in the water for them.
If you have an Oscar and have noticed any unique things about them please email me at [email protected]
Enhancing Your Dog’s Life: A Comprehensive Approach
Rebecca Moore
Owning a dog goes beyond merely providing food and shelter; it involves actively enriching their lives to ensure they achieve the highest levels of happiness and health. This holistic perspective on pet care fosters a thriving environment where your dog can flourish in both spirit and health. Here’s how you can transform your approach to ensure your furry friend thrives, shared below courtesy of Northwest Wildlife Online.
Exploring Diverse Play Options
Introducing varied forms of play can dramatically enrich your dog’s daily life. Engage your pet with puzzle games that challenge their problem-solving skills or scent work that taps into their natural instincts. These activities stimulate both their mind and body, moving beyond traditional games like fetch. Interactive play enhances the physical and mental well-being of your dog, ensuring they remain active and sharp.
Creating a Comfortable and Safe Home
Ensuring your dog enjoys a comfortable and safe living environment is crucial. It ishelpful to considerutilizing a home maintenance and repair app to handle necessary repairs efficiently and affordably. This technology simplifies the process of scheduling service appointments and tracking repair statuses. It also connects you with service professionals who can offer competitive quotes for any maintenance work your home might need, ensuring your living space is always welcoming and safe for your pet.
Incorporating Positive Training Sessions
Regular, positive training sessionsare fundamental in strengthening the bond between you and your dog. These sessions should be enjoyable and rewarding, emphasizing fun over rigor. Training provides not just discipline but also a learning experience that fosters a deeper connection between you both. It’s vital to use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praises, or toys to encourage good behavior, making training sessions something your dog looks forward to, rather than fears.
Transforming Mealtime into an Engaging Activity
Mealtime offers another great opportunity for mental stimulation. Swap traditional feeding bowls for food puzzles or interactive feeders. Consider creating DIY treat scavenger huntsthat encourage your dog to use their hunting instincts, turning an ordinary meal time into an exciting adventure that satisfies their intellectual curiosity. This not only entertains them but also slows down their eating pace, which is beneficial for their digestion.
Fostering Calm and Connection
Dedicating time to calm bonding activities like gentle grooming, massage, or quiet sitting can profoundly impact your dog’s emotional health. These moments are simple yet powerful, conveying love and security, and reinforcing the trust and bond you share. This quality time can help alleviate anxiety and stress in your pet, promoting a peaceful and harmonious living environment.
Engaging in Nose Work and Sensory Games
Take advantage of your dog’s keen sense of smell by engaging them in nose work and sensory games. These activities provide a fun way to exercise their brain and keep them entertained. It’s a fulfilling way to tap into their natural abilities and enhance their day-to-day experiences. By setting up simple scent trails or hiding favorite toys, you can turn these games into exciting challenges that stimulate their natural hunting skills.
Celebrating and Rewarding Individuality
Every dog has a unique personality and set of abilities. Celebrate these differences by acknowledging their achievements and rewarding their progress. Whether it’s with treats, new toys, or verbal praise, showing appreciation for their unique traits reinforces positive behaviors and encourages them to maintain good habits.
Utilizing Enrichment Toys and Gadgets
Numerous toys and gadgets are designed specifically to keep your dog engaged and mentally stimulated, even in your absence. From smart toys that react to your dog’s touch to gadgets that dispense treats, these tools can help ensure that your dog is entertained and active throughout the day. These gadgets can also help manage behaviors by keeping them occupied with constructive activities, reducing boredom and associated frustrations.
Caring for your dog extends beyond the essentials of food and shelter, focusing on enriching their overall life experience. Implementing these varied strategies promotes not just survival, but a thriving lifestyle, allowing your dog to enjoy a fulfilling and vibrant existence. By doing so, you contribute to their well-being, ensuring a shared life filled with health and happiness.