Hidden Wildlife – What’s Under There!?


Ever wondered about the myriad creatures of the wildlife world living just out of your sight, and often in your backyard? Then check out my new book “Let’s See What’s Under There!” Loaded with high quality, often macro, photos this book will take you on a hidden wildlife adventure from the mammalian world down to the creatures you have never seen; unless of course you spend time as I do turning over logs, rocks, rotted bark, old chunks of wood, etc. Younger folks will love this unique zoological journey filled with eye catching photographs. Parents and grandparents will enjoy page after page of educational material for their children that displays the fascinating animals so very close to home. No need to travel to some exotic location – these things are within arm’s reach!

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Ancient Unknown Insect Species

Diplurans – an ancient, mostly unknown insect

There is a small, unusually shaped, and very common insect that most people do not even know exists. They are called diplurans. About a 1000 different types of these insects inhabit the world and over one hundred species here in America. At first glance a dipluran might be mistaken for a small centipede or a beetle larvae. They certainly look similar; I’ve made that mistake myself. But a closer look reveals that the animal has just six legs – way too little for a centipede. And unlike beetle larvae diplurans spend their entire life in this shape. Diplurans are among the most primitive insects in the world. The name Dipluran comes from the pair of appendages at the rear of the animal which some species actually use to catch and hold prey. I usually find them under wet rotted bark of downed trees. They prefer moist habitats and are found across the U.S.

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Wiley “Sickly” Coyote

Happy New Year, all. As 2019 ends and 2020 begins there have been a lot more sightings of coyotes around my neighborhood, and the rest of the country as well. Be careful when you see these animals; they can be dangerous when healthy or when diseased as this one found on my property New Years Day probably is. Coyotes sometimes tend to be curious and do not instantly run away when discovered. But if they hang around for an extended time don’t approach. That could be a rabid animal. Protect yourself and your pets. These guys are out 24/7.

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Coots are cute

Interesting birds these coots. They turn up quite a bit out on American Lake at Fort Lewis, but every now and then I find them swimming around in enormous numbers. And despite those webless feet they seem to do pretty well.

Shrew versus Mole

I just wanted to share a couple of views of these interesting animals that are seldom seen. The creatures themselves are seldom seen due to their secretive lives but here are some close ups even more rarely seen that highlight the differences of these animals. Moles have large muscular feet designed for the tunnels they dig; shrews have smaller digits designed for the small prey they catch and their above ground movement. Moles have rows of sharp teeth great for holding and crunching down on worms; shrews have a sharp pair of upper and lower incisor great for catching and killing their small prey. Shrew teeth by the way are known for their red to orange color. This kind of thing and a lot more intriguing close ups will soon be seen in my latest book “Let’s See What’s Under There!”

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Wildlife Nearby – Take a Closer Look

From time to time around your home you see something and wonder what it is. Stop wondering – get out the camera or binoculars and find out. Like I always say, “If you see something take something!” With a camera, of course. Don’t misunderstand me.

Critique, comment, suggestion? [email protected]

Wildlife Of Afghanistan – Special Alert!

HERPETOZOA, a science journal of the Austrian Herpetological Society has just published “Additional Data to the Herpetofauna of Afghanistan” by zoologist Daniel Jablonski. I am proud to say that I am a co-author of this book along with several other contributors. In this manuscript Mr. Jablonski has done extensive research to correctly identify the reptiles and amphibians of Afghanistan. Although my book Reptiles and Amphibians of Afghanistan was one of the primary resources for the manuscript I got a few species incorrectly labeled based on the limited research I was able to conduct. Mr. Jablonski, however, is a trained zoological scientist with extensive expertise in the subject and has corrected these issues. You will also be treated to a number of additional photographs as well. Please go to the sites listed below and check out this wonderful contribution to the wildlife and people of Afghanistan:


Book Review – For the Love of Insects by Thomas Eisner

Bug lover that I am I have read numerous books on insects but none have impressed me as much as “For Love of Insects” by Thomas Eisner. It is hard to exaggerate the admiration I have for this man and his work. All of the books I have read about these fascinating animals are normally loaded with excellent photographs and information about selected species detailing their range, habitat, and behaviors. And most of them are quite good, too. None, however, come as close to conveying the true complexity of insects as Thomas Eisner. Dr. Eisner does more than simply describe the arthropod he takes you into the internal organs of the animal, provides detailed drawings, pictures, and thanks to the thanks to the talents of his wife, Maria, some astonishing scanning electron microscopy. This entomology wizard does not stop there, of course. He articulates visually and in word how the insect employs it particular abilities. For example, we all know the peculiar behavior of the bombardier beetle and its explosive defense mechanism. But did you know that the compound blasted out is first held inside the beetle in separate chambers and then loaded into another chamber where a specific enzyme then initiates the chemical reaction necessary for the blast? This is just one example in this amazing work. In this book you will learn and see how some insects can accurately aim their spray in different directions, the chemical composition of it, the defensive mechanisms of millipedes, how microscopic fibers assist some insects, detailed examinations of how some avoid spider webs, and how some insects and spiders overcome these obstacles. And listen up insect lovers – in this book you’ll also learn experimental techniques, methods to capture, keep, and hold insects for observation, plus much, much more. Above all you will come away with an amazement for the anatomical and behavioral complexity of insects that you have never felt before. I cannot adequately express my admiration of the work. This wonderful Thomas Eisner passed away in 2011 but his book lives on as one of the best ever in its subject. For Love of Insectsis available on Amazon.

Season of the Moose!

The female moose reaching for the branches happened to pop out very close to me as I was driving along a narrow country road. I ran into the big fellow sprouting new antlers while hiking. He let me get pretty close for some quality moose time and I got some good pictures. On another hike I ran into a moose that actually followed me back to my car. Good some good photos while walking backwards. Then one day as I was sitting back eating lunch in a remote part of Camp Richardson a proud mamma and her little ones trotted by right in front of me!

The biggest member of the deer family is common in Alaska and many other parts of North America throughout the year. These big animals do not hibernate and are pretty hard to miss if you run into one. The Land of the Midnight Sun is their primary home and I am fortunate enough to be able hike around that last frontier quite a bit. May and June mark the two months of the year when I run into them – and when they run into me – most often. On purpose or by accident every encounter is a thrill I’m thankful for.

Nutria – Invasive Species Master

The nutrias in the above photographs were found in Oregon at the Ankenny Wildlife Reserve outside of Salem and highlight some distinctive features of the animal.

As is the case with many other “invasive” species this animal did not invade – it was captured and brought to America. The first of these rodents arrived in the Southeast sometime in the 1880s in order to profit from their fur. Several of them escaped and have since made their way throughout much of America. But wait! According to sources quoted in Walkers Mammals of the Worldthe same thing has occurred in Canada, England, France, Holland, Scandinavia, Germany, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Japan. Also commonly known as a Coypu this large rodent started out as a native species in South America. It has obviously adapted quite well to colder climates but Myocastor coyous has retained a strong affinity for aquatic environments. And that is where you are most likely to find them. Although I have observed several in Washington state I have found them to be extremely common in Oregon. Thanks to their diet these large rodents are usually considered pests. Most sources claim they are strictly vegetarians, which qualifies them as pests throughout most of their range, but other sources say that they also eat small invertebrates like snails. Smaller than a beaver but larger than a muskrat the nutria is often mistaken for both. The flattened tail of the beaver is an obvious difference. Muskrat tails are laterally compressed and their nose is of a more pointed shape than the blunt nutria nose.


Walkers Mammals of the World, 6th Edition, Volume 2

Mammals of North America, Fiona A. Reid, Peterson Field Guides

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