Wiley “Sickly” Coyote

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Lions and Tigers and Bears!

Well maybe not tigers but we have been seeing mountain lions and bears here in the great Northwest. I was attacked by a cougar in a zoo I worked in so I can personally attest to what that feels like – and it ain’t good. Despite a couple of close encounters so far the bears […]

Sumatran Tigers

If you have never seen these extraordinary felines go to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma ASAP!

Sumatran Tiger at Point Defiance Zoo

Last chance to see tiger “brothers” together

They have distinctly different, more vivid coloration than Bengal tigers. And by the way, the Point Defiance Zoo is easily one of the […]


Once upon a time, just a couple of weeks ago, we had three beautiful cats. Two of them, Oreo and Cody, we had for over ten years. The other was a stray we found on the side of the road a couple of years ago that we named Maxine. Then one morning I left […]